OAuth 2.0
OAuth 2.0 allows FreeAgent users to authorise third party apps to access their data without sharing their FreeAgent login details. Instead, an app will have one access token and one refresh token for each authorised FreeAgent user account.
The FreeAgent API implements OAuth 2.0 Draft 22. It has also been tested with the Google OAuth 2.0 Playground which implements OAuth 2.0 Draft 10.
To use the sandbox API change the server in the examples below to: https://api.sandbox.freeagent.com
How OAuth 2.0 works
You can use the Google OAuth 2.0 Playground to examine each step of this process.
The App developer registers a new app at the FreeAgent Developer Dashboard to obtain an OAuth Client ID and Secret. The Client ID and Secret are unique to each App.
When a user initiates authorising an App to access their FreeAgent account, the App sends the user to FreeAgent's OAuth Authorization Endpoint with the Client ID and some other parameters in the URL. The User is prompted to log into FreeAgent and will be shown a screen allowing them to allow or deny access. If the user allows access, FreeAgent will redirect the User back to the App using the Redirect URI which was either provided when the developer registered the app or included in the URL which sent the user to the Authorization Endpoint. The call to the Redirect URI will include an authorization token if the access request was approved.
There are various strategies which can be used to retrieve the authorization token from this redirection. For iOS Apps the most likely strategy is to register a custom URL scheme and set a URL using this scheme as the Redirect URI. Web apps will redirect the user to a URL on their site.
Once the App has the Authorisation Token it must exchange this for Access and Refresh Tokens. This is done out of band. An Authorization token expires after 15 minutes.
The App makes an HTTP Basic Auth request to the FreeAgent OAuth Token Endpoint including the Client ID, Secret and the Authorisation Token amongst other parameters. In return the App will receive an Access Token and a Refresh Token.
The Access Token is included in an HTTP header on each API request. The Refresh Token is used to request a new Access Token when the Access Token expires.
The Authorisation Request
To link a user account to the app, the app must send the user to
FreeAgent's OAuth Authorization Endpoint https://api.freeagent.com/v2/approve_app
with the following URL parameters:
(required) which is the Client ID obtained at FreeAgent Developer Dashboardresponse_type=code
(required) must be url escaped and match with a redirect_uri registered in your Developer Dashboard account.state
(optional) arbitrary parameters supplied by the app developer to maintain their app's state
An example is shown below:
If approved, the app will redirect to the Redirect URI including the Authorisation code and the optional state parameters:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://client.example.com/cb?code=SplxlOBeZQQYbYS6WxSbIA&state=xyz
The Access Token Request
The App must exchange the Authorisation Token for an Access Token and a
Refresh Token. To do this, the app makes an HTTP Basic Auth POST to the FreeAgent Token Endpoint https://api.freeagent.com/v2/token_endpoint
using the Client ID as the username and Client Secret as the
password and including the following in the POST body:
(required) the authorisation code received earlierredirect_uri
(required only if the redirect URI was specified when making the Authorisation request)
For example:
Content-Type: application/json
If successful, the server will return a JSON response containing the access token and refresh token:
Using the Access Token
On each API request, the access token must be presented in an HTTP header with the following format:
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN
- One access token will be issued for each FreeAgent user which has authorised your application.
- You can query the API to find out which user belongs to the current token using the Get Personal Profile User endpoint.
- An access token is currently valid for one hour but this may change in future.
- It is not necessary to refresh the access token before the old access token expires
Refreshing the Access Token
Refresh tokens may be used to retrieve a new access token. This means it may be most convenient to refresh the access token on the next use after expiry. Some client libraries will handle this automatically.
To refresh an access token, the app makes an HTTP Basic Auth POST to the FreeAgent Token Endpoint
using the Client ID as the username and Client Secret as the
password and including the following in the POST body:
(required) the refresh token received earlier
For example:
Content-Type: application/json
If successful, the server will return a JSON response containing the new access and refresh tokens:
Client Libraries
- Google OAuth Client Library for Java, Python, .NET, Ruby, PHP, Objective C
- Apache Amber
- OmniAuth Gem
- OAuth2 Gem
- PHP-OAuth2 https://github.com/adoy/PHP-OAuth2