Credit Notes

Minimum access level: Estimates and Invoices, unless stated otherwise.

Credit Note Attributes

Required Attribute Description Kind
url The unique identifier for the credit note URI
status One of the following:

  • Draft
  • Open
  • Overdue
  • Refunded
  • Written-off

long_status Credit note status along with the due date as a relative date to 'today'

For example:

  • Open – due in about 1 month
  • Overdue – due about 1 month ago
  • Refunded on – 21 Mar 20

contact The contact being credited URI
project The project being credited URI
? property The property pertaining to this invoice. Only accepted and required for companies with type UkUnincorporatedLandlord. URI

Credit note reference (using global invoice sequencing)

If omitted, next invoice reference will be used
dated_on Date of credit note in YYYY-MM-DD format Date
due_on When credit note is due, in YYYY-MM-DD format Date
payment_terms_in_days Set to zero to display 'Due on Receipt' on the credit note Integer

Credit note's currency

Defaults to the company's native currency

One of the following:

String | null
cis_deduction_rate Percentage of CIS deduction for the cis_rate set Decimal
cis_deduction Total CIS deduction for this credit note, in its currency Decimal
cis_deduction_suffered CIS deduction already paid for this credit note, in its currency Decimal
comments Additional text added to the bottom of the credit note String
discount_percent The discount applied across the whole credit note Decimal
client_contact_name This name will override the default contact name on this credit note String
payment_terms This will override the normal payment terms and credit note due date String
po_reference This PO reference will override any PO set for the project String
bank_account This will be used to display remittance advice on this credit note String
omit_header true to omit your logo and company address, false otherwise Boolean
show_project_name true to display the project name in the Other Information section, false otherwise Boolean
ec_status Credit note's VAT status for reporting purposes. One of the following:

  • UK/Non-EC
  • EC Goods
  • EC Services
  • Reverse Charge

Please note that EC Goods and EC Services are no longer valid options if the credit note is dated 1/1/2021 or later and the company is based in Great Britain (but not Northern Ireland), following the UK's withdrawal from the EU.

Reverse Charge is only a valid status if the credit note is dated 1/1/2021 or later.

place_of_supply Place of supply when ec_status is EC VAT MOSS String
net_value Net value Decimal
exchange_rate Rate at which credit note amount is converted into company's native currency Decimal
involves_sales_tax true if sales tax applies to the credit note, false otherwise Boolean
sales_tax_value Total value of sales tax Decimal
second_sales_tax_value [Universal accounts only] Total value of second sales tax Decimal
total_value Gross value Decimal
refunded_value Amount refunded so far Decimal
due_value Amount yet to be refunded Decimal
is_interim_uk_vat true if VAT status was Registration Applied For at credit note date, false otherwise Boolean
refunded_on When the credit note was fully refunded, in YYYY-MM-DD format Date
written_off_date When the credit note was written off, in YYYY-MM-DD format Date
credit_note_items Array of credit note item data structures. See Credit Note Item Attributes. Array
created_at Creation of the credit note resource (UTC) Timestamp
updated_at When the credit note resource was last updated (UTC) Timestamp

Credit Note Item Attributes

Required Attribute Description Kind
url The unique identifier for the credit note item URI
position Position in the credit note, starting at 1 Decimal
item_type One of the following:

  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Years
  • Products
  • Services
  • Training
  • Expenses
  • Comment
  • Bills
  • Discount
  • Credit
  • VAT

Leave blank for 'No Unit'

Quantity of the item_type

Defaults to 0
description Credit note item details String
? price

Unit price

Required if invoice_item is given and item_type is non time based
sales_tax_rate One of the standard sales tax rates Decimal
second_sales_tax_rate [Universal accounts only] One of the standard second sales tax rates Decimal
sales_tax_status Indicates whether the item is TAXABLE, EXEMPT or OUT_OF_SCOPE for sales tax String
second_sales_tax_status [Universal accounts only] Similar to sales_tax_status, returned only if the relevant sales tax period defines a second sales tax String
? stock_item Stock item being credited, if item_type is Stock URI
category Accounting category of the credit note item URI
project The project being credited URI
Additional attributes when updating an credit note item
id ID of the credit note item to update Integer
Additional attributes when deleting an credit note item
id ID of the credit note item to delete Integer
_destroy Should be equal to 1 Integer

List all credit notes



View Filters

  • all: Show all credit notes (default)
  • recent_open_or_overdue: Show only recent, open, or overdue invoices.
  • open: Show only open credit notes.
  • overdue: Show only overdue credit notes.
  • open_or_overdue: Show only open or overdue credit notes.
  • draft: Show only draft credit notes.
  • refunded: Show only refunded credit notes.
  • last_N_months: Show only credit notes from the last N months.

Date Filters

  • updated_since

Sort Orders

  • created_at: Sort by the time the credit note was created (default).
  • updated_at: Sort by the time the credit note was last modified.

To sort in descending order, the sort parameter can be prefixed with a hyphen.



Status: 200 OK
  "credit_notes": [
      "total_value": "200.0",
      "refunded_value": "50.0",
      "due_value": "150.0",
      "long_status":"Open – due in about 1 month",
      "comments":"An example credit note comment.",
      "bank_account": "",
      "contact_name":"Nathan Barley"
Show as XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <credit-notes type="array">
      <dated-on type="datetime">2011-08-29</dated-on>
      <due-on type="datetime">2011-09-28</due-on>
      <exchange-rate type="decimal">1.0</exchange-rate>
      <net-value type="decimal">0.0</net-value>
      <sales-tax-value type="decimal">0.0</sales-tax-value>
      <involves-sales-tax type="boolean">true</involves-sales-tax>
      <is-interim-uk-vat type="boolean">false</is-interim-uk-vat>
      <total-value type="decimal">200.0</total-value>
      <refunded-value type="decimal">50.0</refunded-value>
      <due-value type="decimal">150.0</due-value>
      <long-status>Open – due in about 1 month</long-status>
      <comments>An example credit note comment.</comments>
      <omit-header type="boolean">false</omit-header>
      <always-show-bic-and-iban type="boolean">false</always-show-bic-and-iban>
      <payment-terms-in-days type="integer">30</payment-terms-in-days>
      <created-at type="datetime">2011-08-29T00:00:00Z</created-at>
      <updated-at type="datetime">2011-08-29T00:00:00Z</updated-at>
      <contact-name>Nathan Barley</contact-name>
Show as JSON

List all credit notes with nested credit note items

You can include credit note items nested into the list of credit notes which increases request size but removes the need to request the credit notes separately to see credit note item information.



Status: 200 OK
  "credit_notes": [
      "url": "",
      "contact": "",
      "dated_on": "2020-01-01",
      "due_on": "2020-01-01",
      "reference": "001",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "exchange_rate": "1.0",
      "net_value": "-100.0",
      "sales_tax_value": "-20.0",
      "involves_sales_tax": true,
      "is_interim_uk_vat": false,
      "total_value": "-120.0",
      "refunded_value": "0.0",
      "due_value": "-120.0",
      "status": "Open",
      "long_status":"Open – due today",
      "omit_header": false,
      "payment_terms_in_days": 0,
      "created_at": "2020-01-21T11:42:38.000Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-01-21T11:43:12.000Z",
      "bank_account": "",
      "contact_name": "Nathan Barley",
      "credit_note_items": [
          "url": "",
          "position": 1,
          "description": "Refund",
          "item_type": "Hours",
          "price": "-100.0",
          "quantity": "1.0",
          "sales_tax_rate": "20.0",
          "suffers_cis_deduction": false,
          "sales_tax_status": "TAXABLE",
          "category": ""
Show as XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <credit-notes type="array">
      <dated-on type="date">2020-01-01</dated-on>
      <due-on type="date">2020-01-01</due-on>
      <exchange-rate type="decimal">1.0</exchange-rate>
      <net-value type="decimal">-100.0</net-value>
      <sales-tax-value type="decimal">-20.0</sales-tax-value>
      <involves-sales-tax type="boolean">true</involves-sales-tax>
      <is-interim-uk-vat type="boolean">false</is-interim-uk-vat>
      <total-value type="decimal">-120.0</total-value>
      <refunded-value type="decimal">0.0</refunded-value>
      <due-value type="decimal">-120.0</due-value>
      <long-status>Open – due today</long-status>
      <omit-header type="boolean">false</omit-header>
      <payment-terms-in-days type="integer">0</payment-terms-in-days>
      <created-at type="dateTime">2020-01-21T11:42:38Z</created-at>
      <updated-at type="dateTime">2020-01-21T11:43:12Z</updated-at>
      <contact-name>Nathan Barley</contact-name>
      <credit-note-items type="array">
          <position type="integer">1</position>
          <price type="decimal">-100.0</price>
          <quantity type="decimal">1.0</quantity>
          <sales-tax-rate type="decimal">20.0</sales-tax-rate>
          <suffers-cis-deduction type="boolean">false</suffers-cis-deduction>
Show as JSON

Get a single credit note



Status: 200 OK
  "credit_note": {
    "url": "",
    "contact": "",
    "dated_on": "2020-01-01",
    "due_on": "2020-01-01",
    "reference": "001",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "exchange_rate": "1.0",
    "net_value": "-100.0",
    "sales_tax_value": "-20.0",
    "involves_sales_tax": true,
    "is_interim_uk_vat": false,
    "total_value": "-120.0",
    "refunded_value": "0.0",
    "due_value": "-120.0",
    "status": "Open",
    "long_status":"Open – due today",
    "omit_header": false,
    "payment_terms_in_days": 0,
    "created_at": "2020-01-21T11:42:38.000Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-01-21T11:43:12.000Z",
    "bank_account": "",
    "contact_name": "Nathan Barley",
    "credit_note_items": [
        "url": "",
        "position": 1,
        "description": "Refund",
        "item_type": "Hours",
        "price": "-100.0",
        "quantity": "1.0",
        "sales_tax_rate": "20.0",
        "suffers_cis_deduction": false,
        "sales_tax_status": "TAXABLE",
        "category": ""
Show as XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <dated-on type="date">2020-01-01</dated-on>
    <due-on type="date">2020-01-01</due-on>
    <exchange-rate type="decimal">1.0</exchange-rate>
    <net-value type="decimal">-100.0</net-value>
    <sales-tax-value type="decimal">-20.0</sales-tax-value>
    <involves-sales-tax type="boolean">true</involves-sales-tax>
    <is-interim-uk-vat type="boolean">false</is-interim-uk-vat>
    <total-value type="decimal">-120.0</total-value>
    <refunded-value type="decimal">0.0</refunded-value>
    <due-value type="decimal">-120.0</due-value>
    <long-status>Open – due today</long-status>
    <omit-header type="boolean">false</omit-header>
    <payment-terms-in-days type="integer">0</payment-terms-in-days>
    <created-at type="dateTime">2020-01-21T11:42:38Z</created-at>
    <updated-at type="dateTime">2020-01-21T11:43:12Z</updated-at>
    <contact-name>Nathan Barley</contact-name>
    <credit-note-items type="array">
        <position type="integer">1</position>
        <price type="decimal">-100.0</price>
        <quantity type="decimal">1.0</quantity>
        <sales-tax-rate type="decimal">20.0</sales-tax-rate>
        <suffers-cis-deduction type="boolean">false</suffers-cis-deduction>
Show as JSON

Get a single credit note as PDF



For compatibility purposes, the API returns a base64-encoded representation of the PDF data inside a JSON or XML payload. After fetching the response, simply look inside the pdf.content node and base64-decode its value to get the PDF.

The encoded data complies with RFC 2045.


  "pdf": {
    "content": "... base64 encoded PDF data ..."
Show as XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <content>... base64 encoded PDF data ...</content>
Show as JSON

Create a credit note

A credit note is always created with a status of Draft. You must use the status transitions to mark a credit note as Draft, Sent or Cancelled.


Payload should have a root credit_note element, containing elements listed under Credit Note Attributes.


Status: 201 Created
  "credit_note": {
    "url": "",
    "contact": "",
    "dated_on": "2020-01-01",
    "due_on": "2020-01-01",
    "reference": "001",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "exchange_rate": "1.0",
    "net_value": "-100.0",
    "sales_tax_value": "-20.0",
    "involves_sales_tax": true,
    "is_interim_uk_vat": false,
    "total_value": "-120.0",
    "refunded_value": "0.0",
    "due_value": "-120.0",
    "status": "Draft",
    "omit_header": false,
    "payment_terms_in_days": 0,
    "created_at": "2020-01-21T11:42:38.000Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-01-21T11:43:12.000Z",
    "bank_account": "",
    "contact_name": "Nathan Barley",
    "credit_note_items": [
        "url": "",
        "position": 1,
        "description": "Refund",
        "item_type": "Hours",
        "price": "-100.0",
        "quantity": "1.0",
        "sales_tax_rate": "20.0",
        "suffers_cis_deduction": false,
        "sales_tax_status": "TAXABLE",
        "category": ""
Show as XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <dated-on type="date">2020-01-01</dated-on>
    <due-on type="date">2020-01-01</due-on>
    <exchange-rate type="decimal">1.0</exchange-rate>
    <net-value type="decimal">-100.0</net-value>
    <sales-tax-value type="decimal">-20.0</sales-tax-value>
    <involves-sales-tax type="boolean">true</involves-sales-tax>
    <is-interim-uk-vat type="boolean">false</is-interim-uk-vat>
    <total-value type="decimal">-120.0</total-value>
    <refunded-value type="decimal">0.0</refunded-value>
    <due-value type="decimal">-120.0</due-value>
    <omit-header type="boolean">false</omit-header>
    <payment-terms-in-days type="integer">0</payment-terms-in-days>
    <created-at type="dateTime">2020-01-21T11:42:38Z</created-at>
    <updated-at type="dateTime">2020-01-21T11:43:12Z</updated-at>
    <contact-name>Nathan Barley</contact-name>
    <credit-note-items type="array">
        <position type="integer">1</position>
        <price type="decimal">-100.0</price>
        <quantity type="decimal">1.0</quantity>
        <sales-tax-rate type="decimal">20.0</sales-tax-rate>
        <suffers-cis-deduction type="boolean">false</suffers-cis-deduction>
Show as JSON

Update a credit note

To update the status of a credit note you must use the status transitions to mark a credit note as Draft, Sent or Cancelled.


Payload should have a root credit_note element, containing elements listed under Credit Note Attributes that should be updated.


Status: 200 OK

Delete a credit note



Status: 200 OK

Email a credit note



  • credit_note (Hash)
    • email (Hash)
      • to
      • from - Needs to belong to a registered user and be in one of the following formats:
        • John Doe <>
      • subject
      • body
      • email_to_sender (Boolean) - defaults to true
      • attachments - Array of email attachment hash data structures. Each attachment has a max size limit of 5MB. An email attachment data structure should have the following attributes:
        • content_type (String) - MIME-type
        • data (String) - Binary data of the file being attached encoded as base64
        • file_name (String)
  "credit_note": {
    "email": {
      "body": "Test",
      "email_to_sender": false,
      "from": "Development Team <>",
      "subject": "FreeAgent Central Credit Note INV015",
      "to": ""
Show as XML
  "credit_note": {
    "email": {
      "attachments": [
          "file_name": "testFile.csv",
          "content_type": "text/csv",
          "data": "MTIvMDkvMjAyMiw1LjAwLGJ1cmdlcgo="
Show as XML
Show as JSON


Status: 200 OK

Mark credit note as sent


Can also be used to re-open a credit note after it has been cancelled.


Status: 200 OK

Mark credit note as draft



Status: 200 OK

Mark credit note as cancelled


Note! This API is deprecated with no replacement as credit notes cannot be written off. It will be removed in August 2024.

Write-off a credit note as unpaid. Credit note must be sent and have a due date in the past.


Status: 200 OK